1524, Feira
(poem). A Christmas carol.

Holy Virgin, white and fair !

In Bethlehem now in this hour
Of the rose is born a flower.
Virgin holy !

In Bethlehem, Love's fair city,
A rose is born of the rose-tree.
Virgin holy !

Of the rose is born a flower,
Even Christ our Saviour.
Virgin holy !

A rose is born of the rose-tree,
God and man in one to be.
Virgin holy !

(1º coro) 
Blanca estais colorada
virgem sagrada.

Em Belém vila do amor
da rosa naceu a flor
virgem sagrada

(2º coro) 
Em Belém vila do amor
naceu a rosa do rosal
virgem sagrada.

(1º coro) 
Da rosa naceu a flor
pera nosso salvador
virgem sagrada.

(2º coro)
Naceu a rosa do rosal 
Deos e homem natural
virgem sagrada.

About this play should read in Portuguese Auto da Feira, the full text in the original language.