1503, Quatro Tempos
(poem). Song of angels.
Worthy of adoration, Thee,
O Lord our Cod, we praise;
To Thee our hymn we raise,
" Holy, Holy," ceaselessly.

To laud Thee doth conspire
All earth and honour most
With the angelic host
In their celestial choir.

Worthy of adoration, Thec
We Cherubim do sing,
Archangels' voices ring,
" Holy, Holy," ceaselessly,
A ti dino de adorar
a ti nuestro Dios loamos
a ti señor confesamos
sanctus sanctus sin cesar.

Inmenso padre eternal
omnis terra honra a ti
tibi omnes angeli
y el coro celestial.

Pues que es dino de adorar
querubines te cantamos
arcángeles te bradamos
sanctus sanctus sin cesar.
1503, Quatro Tempos
...speech fragment of  VERÃO - Spring.

(poem / extracts from speech).  In the garden the roses blow.

In the garden the roses blow :
Thither, thither would I go
To hear the nightingale in song
All the night long.

By the bank of the stream
She is gathering lemons:
And thither would I go
To hear the nightingale in song
All the night long.

She was gathering lemons
To give to her love :
And thither would I go
To hear the nightingale in song
All the night long.

In a silken hat
To give to her love :
And thither around I go
To hear the nightingale in song
All the night long.

En la huerta nace la rosa
quiérome ir allá
por mirar al ruiseñor
cómo cantaba.

Por las riberas del rio
limones coge la virgo
quiérome ir allá
por mirar al ruiseñor
cómo cantaba.

Limones cogía la virgo
para dar al su amigo
quiérome ir allá
para ver al ruiseñor
cómo cantaba.

Para dar al su amigo
en un sombrero de sirgo
quiérome ir allá
para ver al ruiseñor
cómo cantaba.
The full text in the original language
Auto dos Quatro Tempos