1503, Quatro Tempos
The 36 verses of the Prologue, by character SERAFIM,
out of a total of 96 verses.

(extracts from speech).   A christmas hymn.

Now new joy and glory new,
From that Source eternal sent
Whence all flours,
Change ant victory ensue,
That our God Omnipotent
On us bestows.

The clear light of ancient days
Is transformed and in our eyes
And the goodness that we praise
Wrapped in infant gladness lies

Now our joy doth leap and grow
Till this day pass in delight
All the rest :
The infernal serpent now
Is of all its former might

Secrets deep and beyond number,
More than words of mine devise,
Are revealed;
Now old enmity doth slumber,
All the former griefs and sighs
For ever healed.

Now the world from darkness brought
Shines along the highest heaven
Of its birth,
For He who all things hath wrought
To His creatures joy hath given
Upon earth.

Light and might of all things made,
Unto which Power infinite
Gave new power,
His great mercy has displayed
Manifest unto our sight
In this hour.


Nuevo gozo nueva gloria
criada en el seno eterno
es llegada
gran mudanza gran vitoria
por nuestro Dios sempiterno
nos es dada.

La clara luz anciana
mudada hecha moderna
en nuevo traje
y la bondad soberana
se alegra en la edad tierna
sin ultraje.

Nuestro gozo se acrecienta
nuestra gloria va pujando
neste día
y la infernal serpienta
ya privando va del mando
que tenía.

Los secretos a brazadas
muy más que puedo deciros
las paces son acabadas
y los antigos sospiros
son cesados.

Ya el mundo tenebroso
relumbra por las alturas
do salió
porque el obrador poderoso
exalzó las criaturas
que creó.

La clara obra infinita
infinitamente obrada
y obradora
quiso su bondad bendita
que fuese manifestada
nesta hora.

El infinito amador
infinitamente amando
cosa amada
The full text in the original language
Auto dos Quatro Tempos