1506, "Sermão" de Abrantes
... the lay man's sermon
a monologue of 379 (or 388) lines.

Non volo, volo et deficior. 
(I do not want, I want to and is too)

Habentur verba ista originaliter in pariete istius aulae quae scripsit aliquis stultus. 

(Gil Vicente), crazy with nothing missing /
        .../crazy role will hear every hour.

  (extracts from speech).
Cold now his hands.

Five (5) years
before the publication of
The praise of folly
by Desiderius Erasmus

Cold now his hands are, nor unto his Lord
For evils or blessings can render his praises,
Cold, frozen hands that no longer he raises
To give to poor sinners who help had implored;

Cold, cold his hands that the slaves at his board,           (285)
All the Christians who toiled for him, cannot repay,
Cold, lifeless hands that his servants to day,
Yea, those who have tended him, shall not reward.

Cold are his feet that now strength may not lend
The poor and the sick in the hostels to see,                      (290)
For he now, alas ! from the world must flee,
And his cold hands and feet a sure warning send.

Cold, frozen feet that no more will wend
To the house of his God, nor on pilgrim's ways,
Cold, deadly cold: he is ending his days,                          (295)
And for him the World, brothers, is even at end.

The full text in the original language
You can read the Monologue:   "Sermão" de Abrantes.
...or the extracts:

Séptimo señal: tiene los cabos fríos.

Frías las manos, para dar loores
por males o bienes a Dios su señor…
Frías, hieladas, en por su amor
dar de lo suyo a pobres pecadores.

Frias, muy frias, en pagar sudores           
a cuantos cristianos por esclavos tuvo…
Frias, sin sangre, en pagar lo que debe
a los cuitados de sus servidores.

Fríos los pies para visitar
los desamparados de los hospitales…     
Fríos los cabos, son ciertas señales
que el triste del mundo se quiere acabar.

Fríos, hielados para caminar
a ver a su Dios, ni a romerías…
Fríos, mortales, que acaba sus días         
el mundo, hermanos, se quiere finar.