1532, Lusitânia
Song of the Goddesses in that language in Greece use
(translated lines 870-888)

(poem). Who shall gain the maiden's love.

Who shall gain the maiden's love ?
For so lovely are her eyes,
And so lovely are her eyes,
Who shall have them for a prize!

As a hawk's, her eyes no less
Than flowers are in loveliness,
But how may he bear their stress
Who in their fair bondage lies ?
For so lovely are her eyes,
Who shall have them for a prize !
For her eyes, that clear and fair

As a royal eagle's are,
Turn the living to despair,
And the dead are racked with sighs.
For so lovely are her eyes,
Who shall have them for a prize !
For so lovely are her eyes,
Who shall have them for a prize !
Luz amores de la niña (692)
que tan linduz ujuz ha
que tan linduz ujuz ha,
ay Diuz quien luz averá
ay Diuz quien luz cervirá.

Luz amores de la niña
que tan linduz ujuz ha
que tan linduz ujuz ha
ay Diuz quien luz avera
ay Diuz quien luz avera.

Tiene luz hujuz de açor
hermuzuz como la flor
quien luz sirviere de amor
no se como bivira
que tan linduz hujuz ha
ay Diuz quien luz servira
ay Diuz quien luz avera.

Suz ujuz son naturalez
de las aguilas realez
los bivuz hazen mortalez
los muertuz suspiran alla
que tan linduz ujuz haa
ay Diuz quien luz servira
ay Diuz quien luz avera.
1532, Lusitânia
Exodus: Song of goddesses with their language translated.

(poem). A love song.

Mother, my love is going hence
In distant lands to be,

But from my mind he cannot go :
Who will bring him back to me ?
Who will bring him back to me ?

Mother, it came into my heart,
In dream it came to me,
That my dear love was going hence,
To the islands of the sea;

But from my mind he cannot go :
Who will bring him back to me ?
Who will bring him back to me ?

Mother, it struck upon my heart,
In dream it came to me,
That my dear love was going hence
Unto a far country,
Even in Aragon to dwell;

But from my mind he cannot go :
Who will bring him back to me ?
Who will bring him back to me ?

Vanse mis amores madre
luengas tierras van morar

yo no los puedo olvidar
quien me los hara tornar
quien me los hara tornar.

Yo soñara madre un sueño
que me dio enel coraçon
que se ivan los mis amores
alas islas de la mar,

yo no los puedo olvidar
quien me los hara tornar
quien me los hara tornar.

Yo soñara madre un sueño
que me dio enel coraçon
que se ivan los mis amores
a las tierras de Aragon
alla se van a morar

yo no los puedo olvidar
quien me los hara tornar
quien me los hara tornar.