1522, Dom Duardos  [Edward]
Text character's soliloquy: DUARDOS (lines 1080-1092)
  (extracts from speech). A lover's lament.

O wood of woe and grief
And fair flowered trees that hence
Ne'er shall go,
Ye would wither, flower and leaf,
Were human thought and sense
Yours to know.

Since departed now is she,
Who my bitterness can raise
To a throne,
You in sympathy for me
Would stand bare for all your days
Leafless grown.

Oh floresta de dolores,
árbores dulces, floridos,
secárades vuesas flores
si tuviérades sentidos

Que partiéndose daqui,
quien hace tan soberana
mi tristura,
vos, de mancilla de mí,
estuviérades mañana
sin verdura.

1522, Dom Duardos [Edward]
Sung Vilancete, (lines 1235-1244) by DUARDOS.
extracts from speech).  O my passion and my grief.

O my passion and my grief,
Yet complain not to bereave me
Of thy woe, nor cease nor leave me.

Evermore I sigh and pine
With my sorrowing thoughts intent
That no further pang be sent
Unto this sad heart of mine.

But Love, in his right divine,
Thee commands now not to leave me,
Not to cease and not to leave me.

Oh mi pasión dolorosa
aunque penes no te quexes
ni te acabes ni me dexes.

Dos mil sospiros envio
y doblados pensamientos
que me trayan más tromentos
al triste corazón mío.

Pues amor que es señorío
te manda que no me dexes
no te acabes ni te quexes.